1. In preparation for building Personnel records, in which the Rank field is required, go to Settings > Lookups > Personnel Rank List to build your Ranks lookup list.
a. Click “+” to add a new Rank.
b. Use the “Move Up” and “Move Down” arrows to order them. For example, Fire Chief as the highest rank should appear first on the list.
2. Review and build other lists in Settings > Lookups, as necessary.
a. Pay particular attention to those that will be used in creating Personnel records, Apparatus records and Stations, as these record types will be among the first built.
b. Browsing individual record types can be helpful in determining which lookup lists will need to be built based on which fields your agency plans to utilize.
Initial Implementation Plan FirePrograms Software WildFire Version
3. Enter Stations by going to Assets > Stations and Facilities. Click Insert to enter a new Station.
a. Enter the Facility/Fire Station Name, then Fire Station Number and check the box to indicate the Facility is a Fire Station if applicable. Additional fields can be entered as desired.
b. Note, the “Contact Type” lookup list is an example of a lookup list that may be helpful to have built before entering the station/facility information. In this particular list, the list is pre-built with common types but can be adjusted to fit your needs.
Initial Implementation Plan FirePrograms Software WildFire Version
4. In preparation for building Personnel Records and User login accounts, review the available Roles and make changes as desired. Go to the Settings tab and use the dropdown arrow in the System Administration button. Management of Roles and Users is separated.
a. Roles - Templates of rights that can be assigned to users based on position, rank or responsibility.
b. Users – Create login accounts for users where Roles, individual rights and passwords assigned.
5. The stock FirePrograms defined Roles are still available and initially set with default permissions. We highly recommend that you review each of the Roles to ensure that the desired permissions are enabled or disabled.
a. Users in Role - Displays user logins assigned the selected Role.
b. Feature Group Access - Determines if the selected Feature or Module will be Visible.
c. Feature Access - Feature Groups set to Visible will allow adjustment of permissions within that group and will vary per group.
d. Once a Role is selected, such as Officer in the below screen shot, the Customize Role button MUST be clicked to make changes.
e. Users in Role - Displays user logins assigned the selected Role.
f. Feature Group Access - Determines if the selected Feature or Module will be Visible.
g. Feature Access - Feature Groups set to Visible will allow adjustment of permissions within that group and will vary per group. Hover the mouse over the Feature Group
Initial Implementation Plan FirePrograms Software WildFire Version
Name or Feature Name to display help text explaining what the selected permission controls.
6. To create a new user account/login, go to Settings > click the dropdown arrow by System Administration > Users. Click Insert and the New User Wizard will guide creation of the Login using an existing Person/Personnel record or allowing the creation of one if necessary.
a. User Setup – Click Next to proceed.
b. Who is this login for? – Select an existing Person record if the Person already exists (note only Person records not already associated with a login can be selected here) or click Create Person to enter a new Person record, entering the Name fields, then Contact Details and Address as desired.
c. Create a username and password – The User Name will automatically be set as the Person first initial of the first name and full last name. The Display Name can be edited but will be used throughout the application and in printed reports so should be an easily selected and recognized name, as well as proper. The Password is also set on this screen. Note: Users can always change THEIR OWN passwords on the ribbon bar using Settings > Reset Password so a generic password can be assigned when creating the user login.
Initial Implementation Plan FirePrograms Software WildFire Version
d. Personnel Information – Enter the Employment Date, select a Rank and enter the Effective Date for that Rank. Note: The Rank list is built in Settings > Dictionaries.
e. User Security – Select the Role(s) with the desired rights to be applied to the user login.
f. User Setup Completion – Click Finish.
7. Update Personnel records as needed.
a. Go to Browse > Personnel and open the desired Personnel record. Add details such as the Usual Station, Usual Shift or any other fields desired to be tracked.
8. Enter Apparatus by accessing the Assets tab, then clicking Browse > Apparatus. On the Apparatus browser, click Insert to enter a new Apparatus record.On the resulting form, at a minimum, enter the Unit ID (through Assignment History), Description, Apparatus Type, and Default NFIRS Use.