Print Incident Report

2 min. readlast update: 02.16.2024




Incident Reports can be individually printed from the Incident Browse Table or within the Incident Report. This option provides a comprehensive printed version of the data entered into a single report that can be printed, saved electronically or emailed directly from FirePrograms.


1.       Go to Browse > Incidents, highlight the incident to print and select the Print button on the right-hand side of the browser OR open an incident and click the Print drop-down in the ribbon bar. The instructions following are the same for either print method.


2.       By default, Full Consolidated Report is checked. This will print the basic Incident Details plus all supplemental forms with data entered, such as Fire, Response, Narrative, etc. This report does not include page breaks.

3.       Unchecking Full Consolidated Report allows the user to check individual supplemental forms to print along with the basic Incident Details. This report includes page breaks after each supplemental form.

4.       For either report format selected, once the report has been generated to the screen, the following options are available (see screenshot below).

a.       Print – Choose the printer and/or preferences for creating a printed copy.

b.       Quick Print – Prints to default Windows printer using all default settings.

c.       Save As – Choose to save the report to your local computer or network in one of the following formats: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, Text or Image.

d.       Email – Choose one of the above listed formats and email directly from the FirePrograms application. File will be attached. Enter your recipient, change Subject and Body as desired and send. Email will come from [FirePrograms User Name] but replies will direct to the primary email address in the user’s Personnel record.

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