Resetting User Passwords

1 min. readlast update: 02.16.2024




This document outlines the steps for Administrators or users with rights to adjust security to reset
passwords for other users.


1.       On the ribbon bar, go to the Settings.

2.       Click the dropdown arrow under System Administration and select Users.

3.       Find the user for which the password needs to be reset and double-click the user or highlight and click Change.

4.       Click the Reset Password button in the upper right corner of the User Login form.

5.       On the Set Password form, type in the desired password.

6.       Password requirements will display in red on the right side of the screen based on the password strength preference set by your agency.

7.       Re-enter the desired password in the Confirm Password field. This must match the Password entered and cursor must leave the field for validation to occur.

8.       Show Normal Text can be checked to display the Password and Confirm Password values.

9.       Click Accept in the ribbon bar, then Save to save the new password.

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